About - Thomas Becker Music Official

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Thomas Becker is a composer, producer and musician, in several genres and their fusions in-between.

Thomas started making music in 1991, with a popular home computer back then, the Commodore Amiga. Internet was not yet wide-spread, but he got in touch with other computer creatives (not only in music) through BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems).
He released his works under the alias of Stun, while being moderately active in the italian Amiga demoscene. Demos (and intros) were and still are artistic computer programs which calculate and display graphic effects in real-time, usually with backing music, to create a sort of videoclip.

In 1998 Thomas suffered spinal cord injury, and got partially paralyzed at the lower limbs (he relies on a wheelchair for moving).

He continued to make music. With time his setup evolved with more powerful computers and musical instruments. Before the injury he had already started to learn the electric guitar, which he continued, and then he also studied music theory and piano.

Thomas has always liked to experiment in different genres, often combining them, though for a certain period his predominant genre was New Age. Other genres include Electronic, Ambient, Progressive Rock.

Thomas has several tracks available on major online stores and streaming services.
He also has some tracks available for licensing in the Soundiva production music library, on the Pond5 marketplace, and he is available for directly licensing his other tracks.
© 2025 Thomas Becker   -   Version 2025.01

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